Do You Need More Discipline To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions?
Most writers who aren’t writing believe they need more discipline. But what if everything you believed about writing discipline was working against you?
For many writers, discipline isn’t the answer – it’s actually part of the problem. When you use discipline to force yourself to write, you can often inadvertently create a rebellious response that makes you resist writing even more.
Instead of praying for massive rainstorms of inspiration or punishing yourself for not writing enough, imagine turning on a gentle drip from the tap. That consistent drip will form a rivulet, then a stream, then eventually a mighty river.
By breaking writing into small, achievable 7-minute sessions and removing all judgment about quality, you can build a sustainable writing practice that grows naturally from desire rather than external pressure. This podcast will show you how, PLUS…
- How to keep your New Years Resolutions as a screenwriter
- Writer’s block solutions to break through creative resistance
- The real causes of writer’s block
- How to replace mistaken ideas about discipline with sustainable routines
- Screenwriting habits that will help you build consistent writing practice without relying on external pressure
- Writing process tips to convert fear and resistance into productive writing sessions
- How to build a screenwriting routine by creating a sacred writing space and sustainable daily practice
- Setting achievable goals for writing productivity
- Finding support systems and screenwriting mentorship for creative development
- Script Development tips to move from first draft freedom to crafted storytelling
- Understanding why traditional writing discipline often fails writers
- Building the infrastructure needed for long-term screenwriting success
- Creative writing process to connect to your authentic voice without self-judgment

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