Who Is Steering Your Creative Ship?
Who Is Steering Your Creative Ship? By Jacob Krueger [divider type=”thin” full_width=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] The Captain And The Navigator If you imagine your writing as a ship, then you can think of your subconscious, creative brain as the Captain, and the conscious editing brain as the Navigator. Having a good Navigator is a vital part […]
Unwrap Your Inner Artist
Unwrap Your Inner Artist By Jacob Krueger [divider type=”thin” full_width=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Take Your Creative Brain Out Of Cold Storage Remember the expression on Hans Solo’s face when Darth Vader pulled him out of the carbon freezing chamber? That’s how our Creative Brains feel most of the time. Frozen. Helpless. Paralyzed. Lost. Mouth open […]
VIDEO – John Cleese On Creativity
John Cleese On Creativity By Jacob Krueger [divider type=”thin” full_width=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Here’s a guy who really understands how to get in touch with your creative mind. Watch the video and learn: How rewriting from memory can be better than editing from the page. How to create space for your writing within the hectic […]
Do You Really Have To Write This Thing?
Do You Really Have To Write This Thing? By Jacob Krueger [divider type=”thin” full_width=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Recently a student asked me the following question: Can I write a synopsis/storyline, complete with time era, scenery and plot for a movie, and have someone else develop the characters and dialogue? This is essentially what producers do […]
Free Procrastination Teleseminar
Free Procrastination Teleseminar [divider type=”thin” full_width=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Here’s a great, FREE teleseminar for any of you who are struggling with procrastination. Audrey Sussman is more than just a brilliant hypnotherapist… she’s also my mom! I’m sure you’re going to love her teleseminar. And you don’t even have to go anywhere to experience it! […]
What To Do When It’s Just Not Coming
What To Do When It’s Just Not Coming By Jacob Krueger [divider type=”thin” full_width=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] It’s the most coveted time for writers. The rare moment when the words are just flowing, when writing feels effortless and the ideas are coming faster than you can write them down. During times like these, it’s easy […]
Finding the RIGHT Time To Write
Finding the RIGHT Time To Write By Jacob Krueger [divider type=”thin” full_width=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] This article comes in response to a question I was recently asked by a screenwriting student. I think it describes a challenge almost all screenwriters face: finding balance. Balance between the planning phases and the writing phases of creating your screenplay. Balance between […]
The Writer’s Most Dangerous Desire
It may be hard to tell from some of the stuff you see coming out of Hollywood, but believe it or not, no one sets out to be a mediocre writer.
No writer dreams of writing that crappy screenplay with the unintelligible plot. No writer fantasizes about creating paper thin characters, canned dialogue, or predictable plot points.
As writers, we share a common desire: we want to write great scripts, fascinating characters, brilliant dialogue, and breathtaking stories that catch people and won’t let them go. We want to say something that matters to us, have our voices heard, and create the kind of movies we grew up loving.
All writers want to be great writers.
Unfortunately, for many writers this need to create something great is actually the biggest obstacle to their writing…
What Happens Next? Getting Un-Stuck When You Are Lost In Your Story

I was recently giving a lecture on using hypnosis to combat writer’s block, and was asked a profound question by one of the students.
She explained that her block had nothing to do with fear of writing, procrastination, the desire to get every scene “right” or any of the other common causes of writer’s block that students were describing.
Her problem that she simply didn’t know what happened next in her story. She was just plain stuck. And she felt like until she figured it out, she couldn’t write another word.
How many writers have felt EXACTLY like that?
More than you think.
It’s easy to convince ourselves that if we don’t know what is going to happen, that there’s no way to move forward in our writing.
But the truth is exactly the opposite. And if you want proof, all you have to do is think about your life…